Department of Corporate Communications
Head of Department: Kevon Gervais
Location: Regional Administrative Centre 1, San Fernando General Hospital, Independence Avenue, San Fernando
The Corporate Communication Department is a specialist functional unit, responsible for the brand & reputation management of the SWRHA, which includes the dissemination of healthcare information & the building and maintaining of excellent relations with all stakeholders, including valued clients.
The department oversees publications, digital media management, corporate events, protocol, health promotion support, corporate branding, media analysis & relations, advertising, printing and employee engagement.
Contact Us
Tel: 225-4325 Ext 2136
Facebook: South-West Regional Health Authority
Instagram: swrhatt
Twitter: swrhatt1
Tiktok: southwestRHA
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a key strategic asset of the South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) as we move forward in the implementation of technology throughout the region. This asset is essential the advancement of the SWRHA’s mission. This is supported by the increasing use of the high performance computing and need for integrated, pervasive ICT environments by the SWRHA. We are focused on a vision to apply ICT resources to the work and life experiences of the staff to ensure “Patient Focused-employees Driven, Quality Health Care Delivery”. Our mission focuses on ICT resources so that the SWRHA employees feel connected and are enabled during their time of employment at SWRHA. The Information and Communication Technology Department provides infrastructure, networking, hardware, telephone, software and application support to the South-West Regional Health Authority.
ICT Department Objectives
- To use technology effectively and efficiently to facilitate the achievement of our Mission and realization of our Vision.
- Ensure all staff has access to valid information appropriate to their role at the SWRHA.
- To provide a secure, reliable network.
Contact Us
- Phone: 225-4325 ext 3116
- Fax: 653-0470
- E-mail:
The Medical (Health) Records Department is in the business of contributing to the delivery of high quality care to patients, providing them with prompt and courteous service and ensuring that their medical (health) records are complete, timely, confidential and secure.
This Department manages the medical records/ health information systems including the systematic compilation of all documents related to patient care as outlined by the Ministry of Health.
The Medical Records Department is located in the facilities within the South-West Regional Health Authority. These include the San Fernando General/Teaching Hospital, Area Hospital, Point Fortin, the District Health Facilities at Siparia, Couva and Princes Town and thirty-three Health Centres.
The responsibilities of the Medical (Health) Records Department include the following:
- To register patients for services at the Emergency Departments, Wards and Outpatients’ Clinics.
- To process requests for medical (health) records from authorized personnel.
- To maintain, file and secure medical (health) records.
- To schedule clinic appointments using the block appointment system.
- To process applications for requests for medical reports and copies of records.
- To process queries on births and deaths.
- To collect data and prepare statistical reports.
Contact Us
Write to:
The Regional Manager, Health Records,
Medical (Health) Records Department,
Level 8, San Fernando Teaching Hospital
Phone:225- 4325 Ext 1779/1499
Our Vision
To provide Medical Social Work services as an integral part of the Multi-Disciplinary Health Team as we strive towards holistic health care, excellence in service and strategic alliances.
Our Mission
The profession aims at motivating and empowering persons to identify, understand and cope with psychological, social, economic and cultural factors which impact on their ability to be responsible for their health, achieve a healthy lifestyle and maintain a state of well-being.
Our Core Values and Principles
- Confidentiality
- Service to Humanity
- Pursuit of Social Justice
- Respect for the Dignity and Worth of Persons
- Integrity in Professional Practice
Medical Social Work is a sub discipline of social work known as hospital social work. Medical Social Workers are typically employed in the hospitals. They work together with patients and their families who are in need of psycho-social support.
Hospitalization due to an injury or chronic illness can affect more than a patient’s health as financial, social, psychological and emotional issues are often involved.
Medical Social Workers interact with patients and families in assisting them to cope with the various challenges that may arise from a patient’s medical condition.
Medical Social Workers value the ethical concept of patients’ right to self-determination which is the right of patients to freedom in making their own choices and decisions. Sometimes, this value can conflict with the values and ethics of other disciplines within a medical setting
Medical Social Workers strive to preserve the patients’ right to make his/her own decisions about goals of care, treatment planning and discharge, that is, as long as the patient is capable of doing so on his /her own.
Skills of a Medical Social Worker
- Helping patients and their families understand the illness and treatment options, as well as consequences of various treatments or treatment refusal.
- Comprehensive psychosocial assessment of patients.
- Providing short-term individual and family counselling.
- Employing crisis intervention.
- Helping patients/family adjust to hospital, admission, possible role changes, exploring emotional/social responses to illness and treatment.
- Educating patients on the roles of health care team members.
- Assisting patients and families in communicating with each other and to members of health care team.
- Educating hospital staff on patient psychosocial issues.
- Coordinating patient discharge and continuity of care planning.
- A qualified Medical Social Worker who possesses a first degree in Social Work from a recognized University.
- Practicum at a Medical Social Work Agency.
- Must be registered with the Medical and Psychiatric Social Workers Board of Trinidad and Tobago.
- San Fernando General Hospital: (868) 225-4325 Ext. 13232/13233
- Area Hospital, Point Fortin: (868) 225-4325 Ext.14785/14789
- CMOH St. Patrick: (868) 226-5000
- CMOH Victoria: (868)226-4200
- CMOH Caroni: (south) (868) 226-4400 Ext 4420
The SWRHA Security Services Department comprises of Watchmen and Contracted Security providers who perform Security duties across various Hospitals, District Health Facilities and Health Centres. A consequential role of the Security Personnel at each Facility, is to monitor the contracted security officers as per contractual obligations and to ensure a safe environment for patients, visitors and SWRHA staff interacting therein, by fully establishing a climate of peace and governance according to the laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Security Personnel provides information to patients and visitors at all the Facilities and direct persons to the respective departments or individuals who would be able to address their issues and concerns.
The Security Services department has a Hybrid Security structure which incorporates technology and physical manpower, through the utilization of CCTV remote surveillance, electronic and biometric access and egress locking systems and RFIDs interface, mixed with twenty four hours physical patrols by SWRHA and Contracted officers. The Security Services Department also conduct internal investigation into ALL incidents that occurs at SWRHA locations that would affect staff, visitor and patients. The Security Services Department also have a close working relationship with external agencies namely, TTPS, Fire Services, Municipal Police and TTDF, as we seek to maintain a high level and standard of investigations.
What Is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy/physical therapy is a health care profession that is both an art and a science. Physiotherapists assess, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate individuals with disease or disorders affecting the musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, integumentary and neurological systems. Physiotherapists are involved in health promotion, injury prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
What conditions do Physiotherapists treat?
Physiotherapists provide health care for people from birth to old age. They treat a wide variety of conditions that affect every system of the body. A few examples are listed below:
Osteoarthritis, Fractures, Stroke, Back problems, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular – dystrophy, Developmental disorders, Tendinitis, Nerve damage, Incontinence, Juvenile-arthritis, Repetitive Stress Injuries, Lymphedema etc.
What Physiotherapy service is provided by SWRHA?
The Physiotherapy Department, San Fernando General Hospital provides an In and Out-patient service from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, accessed by a referral from a Doctor. In addition a Paediatric clinic is held on Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. On Mondays and Wednesdays a specialized Hand Clinic dealing with upper extremity issues is also hosted. Outreach at Siparia District Health Facility is offered once weekly on Tuesdays and Area Hospital Point Fortin once weekly on Thursdays.
Our Team
Our dedicated team comprises of Registered Physiotherapists supported by specialized Enrolled Nursing Assistants, Medical Orderlies, Professional Secretary and Clerical Staff.
Interested in pursuing a career in Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapists enter the profession with at least a bachelor’s degree, or equivalent. Physiotherapists can also attain their masters and doctorates in physical therapy. Training is available from Schools of Physical Therapy recognized by the Physiotherapy Association and Board of Trinidad & Tobago. Courses that are offered include anatomy, neuroanatomy, physiology, neurophysiology, pathology, research methodology, therapeutic exercises and a host of others.
Currently the only school in the English speaking Caribbean is the School of Physical Therapy, Mona, Jamaica, which can be accessed through the University of the West Indies at its website
Phone Contacts:
School of Physical Therapy: 1-876-927-2235
UWI Mona Campus Admissions: 1-876-927-1660
Application deadline is January 31st for the September enrollment of any given year.
The Policy, Planning and Research (PPR) Department manages the activities under the Research, Program Development and Public Health Observatory Units eg policy development, strategic planning and research of clinical and other support services to ensure the effective co-ordination of all regional initiatives which redounds to an improved delivery of health care services at the South-West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA).
The overall functions of the three (3) units are as follows:
- The Research Unit provides technical support to the organization in the undertaking of Research work and is responsible for co-ordinating and reporting all research projects within the Region. The aim of the unit through contributions and in co-operation with research institutions eg CAPHA, and other stakeholders would conduct research to generate information to address service-delivery gap and to support or influence the Authority’s departmental policies and procedures.
- The Program Development Unit provides technical support to the organization on the execution of development and improvement related activities within the Region and is also responsible for the co-ordinating and reporting of the organization’s performance. The unit focuses four (4) major services:
(a)Strategic Planning: Determining where the organization is going in the short and long term through strategic planning, Benchmarking, Monitoring and reporting on the progress of strategic objectives and implementing and monitoring the change management process.
(b)Programme Development: Formulating partnerships with government and non-governmental organizations, business, educational institutions, professional organizations et al to develop and test new programmes and services related to population health and health delivery systems at the regional and national levels.
(c)Policy Development: Partnering with departments in the development of organizational operational policies and procedures documents in line with the MoH Policy Development Framework.
(d)Monitoring and Evaluation: Conducts service reviews as well as to monitor the organisations performance eg ASA, Projects and other Initiatives.
- Public Health Observatory (PHO) Unit support and regulate the organization’s data capturing and reporting mechanisms. This unit ensures the accurate supply of data from one hub within the SWRHA to key stakeholders, which includes the MoH, regarding the services provided by the Region and provide epidemiological analysis based on the data compiled.
The PPR department is a support department under the direct reporting line of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and is led by the General Manager Policy Planning and Research (GMPPR). Currently, the PPR Administrative Office is located at the Bachelor Medical Quarters (BMQ) Building, Level 3. The GMPPR’s office is located at the San Fernando Teaching Hospital (SFTH), Level 8. Office Hours: 8am to 4:15pm Monday to Friday.
Contact Us
The General Manager Nursing in the office of the Nursing Services, provides leadership, guidance and strategic direction in all issues related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce for clinical programmes across the continuum of care.
Nurses are the backbone of our nation’s health care system and therefore play a vital role in every patient experience whether in hospital or in the community setting. Regardless of the location, a nurse can make a difference in the lives and well-being of the patients, families and communities.
Our Management Team consist of the following:
- General Manager Nursing – Ms. Rachael Jardine-Burkett
- Nurse Manager SFGH & SFTH – Mrs. Bettyann Murray-John
- Nurse Manager New Point Fortin Hospital – Mrs. Dionne Johnson-Sellier
- Regional Manager Liaison Services, Community Liaison Unit (Ag.) - Mr. Richard Brachlalsingh
- Primary Care Nurse Manager (Ag) , Caroni South – Mrs. Kathyann Thomas Elbourne
- Primary Care Nurse Manager, Victoria North – Mrs. Bernice Williams
- Primary Care Nurse Manager, Victoria South (Ag) – Ms. Mary Maxwell Chandler
- Primary Care Nurse Manager (Ag), St Patrick East – Ms. Carol Joseph James
- Primary Care Nurse Manager (Ag), St Patrick West – Mrs. Licia John Ferguson
- Nurse Manager, Community Health Services (Ag) – Mrs. Sandra Smith Allen
The Management Team values our Nurses contribution and salute their efforts. We applaud the great work they are doing in so many different and sometimes challenging settings.
As President Roosevelt’s said many years ago, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” It is all about taking action, even amidst uncertainty, inadequate resources or imperfect circumstance.
The Nursing team is broken into Primary and Secondary Health Care Teams
Primary Health Care (community)
The Nursing Administration within the Primary Health Care setting believes that:
Health Care is a fundamental human right of all citizens and is committed to the coordination and delivery of a system of care which ensures that nursing practice is current, planned, implemented and evaluated based on identified needs and in accordance with documented standards of performance.
Primary Health Care has an important influence on a population’s health as it seeks to bring health care closer to where people live and work. Its success depends on the ability of the Health Care Team to influence the thinking of the population in that regard and respond to their changing needs and preferences.
Primary Health Care is essential Health Care that is based on scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and techniques which make universal Health Care accessible to all individuals and families in a community. It is through their full participation and at a cost that the country and community can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in a spirit of self-reliance and self-determination. (WHO)
The aim of Primary Health Care is to bring Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, Cure and Health Care together in a safe, effective and socially productive way at each interaction between the Population and the Primary Health Care System. In fact, it is designed to “Put People First”, to give balanced consideration to the health and wellbeing as well as the values and capacities of the population and Health Care Workers. People-centred care is the hallmark of Primary Health Care where the focus is placed on identifying and addressing as far as possible the Health Needs of the Individual, Family and Community.
Primary Health Care Services in the South-West Regional Health Authority are delivered through the networking of (33) thirty three strategically located Health /Outreach Centers and (3) three District Health Facilities which are accessible and available to satisfy the health needs the general public in an affordable ,attainable and equitable manner. It is the first level of contact that individuals, Families and communities have with the Public Health System. The population served by these facilities is approximately 474,610 according to the CSO Population Census 2011.
The Primary Health Care setting consists of three Counties namely Caroni South, St Patrick and Victoria which are divided into five (5) Clusters referred to as Caroni South, St Patrick East, St Patrick West, Victoria North and Victoria South. Each cluster comprises of between five (5) to seven (7) Health/Outreach Centers which ultimately feed into the San Fernando General Hospital, Area Hospital Point Fortin and the District Health Facility within the Cluster. Each Cluster is managed by a Primary Care Nurse Manager, with the County Medical Officer of Health as the overall Administrator.
San Fernando General and Teaching Hospital is a seven hundred and fifty (750) bed hospital in the South-West Regional Health Authority that caters for over 600,000. The facility spans over a wide area and includes, San Fernando General Hospital, the ‘New Wing’ (Accident & Emergency) and the San Fernando Teaching Hospital.
Nursing Administration department is responsible for the monitoring and control of all Nursing staff and the coordinating of quality patient care on a twenty-four (24) hours basis inclusive of evening, weekends and public holidays. The establishment of the department is as follows: Nurse Manager, Assistant Nurse Managers, Patient Care Coordinators and Night Staff.
The Nursing Administration department consists of forty-one (41) officers who supervise approximately one thousand, three hundred and two (1302) Nurses. The office of the Nursing Administration is located on the ground floor of the San Fernando General Hospital directly opposite the Hospital Administrators’ office and is open twenty-four (24) hours.
Over the years, this department has implemented and reengineered measures to ensure quality nursing care is given as guided by the International Council of Nurses. To maintain Continuous Professional Development our dedicated team at the Staff Development Unit ensures our Health Care Providers are trained and retrained in maintaining standards and best practices. The Nursing Administration works hand in hand with the Hospital Administration and Allied Health Services to ensure care is delivered to our patients in a timely manner.
The Area Hospital Point Fortin (AHPF), is one of two hospitals of the South-West Regional Health Authority and is situated at Volunteer Road Point Fortin. It provides both In-Patient and Out- Patient services to the community of the south-west region and environs. Its bed capacity of thirty nine (39) beds, provides for Medical, Obstetrics and Gynaecology cases. The Area Hospital Point Fortin was constructed during the period 1948-1955. The facility was under the patronage of the SHELL OIL COMPANY until it was officially handed over to the Ministry of Health in July 1968.
The Extended Care Center (ECC) situated at Warden Road, Point Fortin approximately five (5) miles from the main facility (AHPF) provides residential care to in-patients, suffering from chronic psychiatric conditions, and other related causes of mental incapacitation.
Nursing Administration department at AHPF is also responsible for the monitoring and control of all Nursing staff and the coordinating of quality patient care on a twenty-four (24) hours basis.
Nursing Management ensures the effective and efficient utilization of Standards, Policies & Procedures along with Management Principles in the delivery of nursing services to the client in the Ward/Department.
We work with the multidisciplinary team to ensure care is delivered to our patients in a timely manner.
The Operations Department is responsible for implementing projects, operational and maintenance strategies for all of SWRHA facilities, plant equipment, biomedical equipment and ambulances that enhances the patient’s experience. The Operations Department comprises of three (3) Departments viz: Biomedical Engineering, Plant Engineering and Property Services.
Biomedical Engineering Department: core functions are to provide a comprehensive range of technical and administrative services relating to the ongoing support of medical, laboratory and imaging equipment. The department is responsible for ensuring that all medical, imaging and laboratory equipment are operating in accordance to strict manufacturers’ guidelines and standards. This department also provides support for other electronic equipment at the hospital.
The Plant Engineering Department: is responsible for all Plant Equipment and has five (5) main sub-sections: Mechanical Services, Electrical Services, Refrigeration Services, Water Management, Biohazard Incineration.
The Property Services Department: is responsible for the following services: Civil Infrastructure - Project implementation, Building and Grounds Maintenance, Biohazard Waste Transportation, Potable and Waste Water System Maintenance, Ambulances, Motor Vehicle Fleet Services.
The Security Services Department: is to provide members of staff, patients and visitors with a safe and secure environment in which to operate with physical security in a courteous, efficient and professional manner which is appropriate to the provision of quality health care.
The Legal Department of the South-West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) officially commenced operations in March of 2008. The department is headed by the Senior Legal Officer and comprises three (3) Attorneys-at-Law as well as administrative support staff. The Department is aligned to Strategic Objective No. 2(e) i.e. to decrease litigation issues against the Authority and is inter alia responsible for providing legal and corporate advice and services to the Authority’s Board of Directors, Executive Management and Staff, managing the Authority’s litigation portfolio, drafting and reviewing of procurement and other specialized contracts, conducting litigation matters on behalf of the Authority and the management of requests for information made pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and or/otherwise.
Coming Soon.....
Coming Soon....
Name of Department - Finance
Name of Head of Department - Mr Shamead Bhim, General Manager Finance
Location - Head Office, Regional Administration Centre with finance units at SFGH, SFTH, SDHF, CDHF, PTDHF, PFH.
Finance department is a business unit that is responsible for the accounting and reporting of all SWRHA's financial activities. The department ensures compliance with relevant financial obligations, laws, regulations and standards and performs a vital role in the management of the Authority's financial resources including budgetary and treasury management. The department supports the strategic planning and decision making process through financial analysis, cost benefit reporting, forecasts and financial advisory services.